Tag Archives: pain


22 Jul

As you may or may not know, I am racing Barb’s Race, which is the only women’s only 70.3 this weekend.  The course is almost the same as Vineman 70.3, which is 2 weekends before.  This will be my second half ironman distance triathlon in 4 months.  Am I crazy?  The jury is out.

Part of racing Barb’s Race (named after a Vineman volunteer who is a cancer survivor) is fundraising.  When you register, you pledge that you will raise $250 for cancer charities.  This got me thinking.  As you know, endurance sport is not just physical.  There is a huge physiological or mental game you play when you are racing for 6-7 hours (less if you are fast).  One of my many mantras are, “it could be worse, you are lucky you have the ability to be out here and race”, this thought solidified when I was injured and couldn’t ride for 4 month (a lifetime for me).

Around the same time I started racing triathlons, my mom started taking her friend, Susan, to Chemo.  My mom and Susan studied for their PhDs together and had known each other for years, but their friendship grew on those long drives to downtown Dallas and hours of Chemo. Susan’s health had its ups and downs, she has a very rare form of blood cancer and for years it was touch and go.  There were stretches when she felt good enough to bake, she worked of creating the perfect chocolate cake (it was probably a good thing that I live thousands of miles away).  But the bad stretches were growing longer.  The pain…unbearable.

So when I signed up for Barb’s, I asked my mom if Susan would be okay if I dedicated my race to her.  Susan will never race a triathlon, heck I don’t think she even knows much about the sport but I knew when I had to dig deep and push myself on race day, my pain would pale in comparison to Susan. My mom spoke with Susan, and she was honored that I was racing for her.

On May 30, 2013 Susan passed away surrounded by her family and friends.  I know she will be watching me on race day and I hope she knows how much strength I pull from her.



I tri for those who can’t, I tri for Susan.

It is not THAT big of a deal

8 Mar

I really try to make an effort to keep my life in check.  For instance, my husband travels…A LOT and it can be hard on both of us.  It is really hard for him to be on road, especially when he has to travel to the East coast.  Nothing against the East Coast, it just takes him a day to get there which means he has to fly on a Sunday.  When he is bummed to cut his weekend short, one of us will say, “It could be worse, you could be going to Iraq.”  Flying to NYC and staying in a 4 start hotel ain’t that bad, even if all you want to do is sleep in your own bed.

I have had some “drama” in my personal and professional life lately.  Some disappointment.  Things aren’t going my way and it is very easy to put up tent and throw a big fat pity party.  And I have participated in some extent, I will admit it.  I know that I only have a hurt back, I am not dying.  I know that I do not get paid to race triathlons and if I walk the run portion, I won’t loose my pay check.  I know that if a running shirt order doesn’t ship on time, no one will die from it.  It is not brain surgery.  It isn’t THAT big of a deal.  But you know what, it is a big deal to me…right now.

I will not dwell on my set-backs, but I am not going to discount them either.  As runner, cyclist and triathletes we will almost inevitably suffer an injury and most of the time it is not life threatening.  Some of our friends and family may not understand how these set-backs effect us.  We know that it might not be a big deal to you, but it is to US!  Not only do these set backs effect us physically and mentally.  I am trying to pick myself up and I am happy that I have a wonderful support system that “gets” me.

This is a thank you to all the Toughie in my life who support me and know that a sore back isn’t cancer (thank God) but listen to me complain about it.  Thank you to my husband who lets me vent, will get my back AND give me a reality check when I need it.

This too shall pass…I just wish it would pass faster!

IM TX 70.3 Week 10 Recap – Set back

11 Feb

HIM TX Training

Week 10 Recap

Swim: 2500 yds

Run: 5.5 miles

Cycle: 77 miles

6 workouts scheduled – 2.75 completed,  time – 6:41

As you know, I wrecked on Wednesday so I was only able to complete 3 (or more accurately 2.75) of the scheduled workouts.  Very disappointing as the week started off so well, as you can see, I still racked up several miles in 2.75 workouts.  I missed one swim, one bike and one strength workout.   And even tough I am bummed, I am okay with missing these workouts.  But I am NOT okay with missing any more!  I have a dr appointment this afternoon and hopefully he will wave a magic wand and make me ok!  Or at least tell me what I can do with out hurting myself any further.  As of now, I *think* I can ride and swim.  I know 100% that I can not run (I have trouble walking).  I am hoping that I can leave my run work outs for the end of the week and will be okay by then.  That way I won’t miss anymore sessions.  Honestly I feel I need to work the most on my run and that is the one disipline I KNOW I can’t do.  Typical, right?

So, Cross your fingers for me!

I hate set backs (who doesn’t).  I really hate no knowing how long I won’t be 100% and I really, really hate not following my plan.  Not being able to mark off each work out.  I really, really, really hate not being in control.  This is a minor set back, I know this.  I am pretty sure this won’t have me on the side line that long, but it still sucks.  Even if it is minor.  It could be worse, I know.  But it could be better!  Don’t you ever wish you could go back in time and just change one little move?  There are 100 other “moves” I would change first in my life, but right now I can’t help but wish that I didn’t reach for that water bottle or reach for my other bottle.

I am staying TOUGH!  Hopefully next weeks recap will be more complete!  I hope you have a great, wreck-free week! 🙂

Triathlon Police

13 Apr

I had another ego check session with Trainer Ali on the track yesterday.  We started with a warm-up mile and I was feeling pretty good.  Our first 200m sprint I noticed a rather large knot at the top of my left quad.  I was hoping that warming up my muscles would relax the knot and it would go away.  Our plan was to run a one mile warm up the 200m sprint followed by a 400m zone 4 (yeah right).  We would do the sprint sequence 4 times, one more than last week.

Each sprint sequence I noticed the knot, at first it didn’t hurt, I was just aware the knot was there.  I made it through 3 reps and then Ali and I got to talking, maybe taking a little longer rest than we should.  The next rep I made it about 100m into the 200m sprint and the pain was too much to continue.

I have a killer schedule starting next week.  On Wednesday I leave for Monterey, CA where I will expo and race at Sea Otter, followed by a weekend of expoing in AZ at Whiskey Off Road, then I will come home for 2 day for 5 days in HI (I know, tough life) for my husbands work.  I get one weekend at home, then a Sprint tri followed by an Oly tri the following weekend.  If you have ever worked an expo, you know it is very fatiguing.  You are “ON” from about 9-5 and on your feet, so it can take a lot out of you.  It can be tough to add in training, but I plan on it.  So as you can clearly see, THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR AN INJURY!

I know it isn’t serious and I know that if I “rest” (the ugly R word), I will be fine.  But since there are days of travel when I won’t be able to train, I really feel like every day I am at home, I should utilize.  I need to stick to the plan!  I was joking with my husband that the Triathlon police were going to take me away if I stray from the plan.  I am not really sure what will happen if I take some time off, but my crazy brain is telling me it is bad.  Crazy right?

Today on the “plan” is a swim, which I can do without injuring myself any further.  So I have a day of reprieve before I need to make the decision to listen to my body or my crazy obsessed brain.  I know, I know, listen to the body…I preach it all the time.  But you know the saying “Doctors make the worst patients.”  Well, consider me a terrible patient.


26 Jul

Today I had my first injection into my knee.  Ever since my 545 mile bike ride back in June, I have been experiencing knee pain.  I started physical therapy over a month ago and after a painful 25 mile bike ride on Saturday, I had had enough.  My physical therapist had mention Prolotherapy several times and I had brushed it off, happy with my progress.  It seems like I started going backwards with my recover and the pain is coming earlier into the ride and with less load on the knee.

To my understanding, Prolotherapy is a series of injections to the soft tissue (ligaments and tendons) to the area that is experiencing chronic pain.  My injections consisted of lidocaine (a numbing agent) and a sucrose solution.  The lidocaine numbs the area and the sugar solution creates inflammation.  The inflammation tells the body that the area is still injured and helps the body to heal itself.

The doctor evaluated my knee and pinpointed the area of pain.  He then took a large syringe and inserted the solution into the inside of my knee.  You could see the bubble of solution under the skin.  The hamstring stretch where you kick your leg back and draw your foot to you bottom, this stretch always causes me pain.  So after the injection, the doctor had me do the stretch to see if there was pain.  There was no pain which meant the lidocaine was in the right location, hence the sugar solution was in the correct location as well.

This isn't me (I shave better) but it is exactly what it looked like

I have been instructed to take a couple of days off and gradually resume normally activities.  The doctor said I should start feeling a difference in a week or so.  I really hope this helps.  I might have to go back for a second round of injections in 4 to 6 weeks.  Obviously it is too early to tell if it will help me, but I will keep you updated!

If you are interested in learning more about Prolotherapy, the web site www,prolotherapy.org has a lot of good information.