Proud Mama Chik

5 Nov

I have to brag about my team mates.  Team Tough Chik is not only a group of amazing athletes of all abilities, but they are caring, loving women.  Over the past year, I have been blown away by the support they offer to each other.  Physical, emotional, spiritual and even financial (through fundraising efforts) support, these ladies are there for each other.

Over the weekend they kicked it up a notch!  I was working an event Friday and over the weekend, so I was off line most of the day and pretty much out of the loop.  Through our private Facebook page, Katye organized a F U Hurricane Sandy Race 2 Recover.  Below is what she came up with!

Tough Chik FU HURRICANE SANDY Race 2 Recover

Okay here’s how it will go…put your name next to the miles you pledge to run! For each mile, make a contribution to a charity of choice to help with relief efforts. No definite amount, but if we donate $5 per mile that would more over $130 from this little run alone which I think is pretty cool! Every dollar counts! And not an official rule, but I think the last .2 should go to someone who was supposed to run NYCM this year! Please do not change other’s names! Any questions? Ask Katye ; )

Mile – Runner






6-Jess M

7-Jess M

8-Jess M

9-Heidi H

10-Heidi H

11-Heidi H

12-Heidi H

13-Heidi H

14-Heidi H

15-Lisa C

16-Lisa C

17-Lisa C

18-Lisa C

19-Lisa C

20-Pamela Q

21-Pamela Q

23-Pamela Q







Time: 4:47:31

I am so proud of these Toughies for taking the initiative and doing something on their own.  Tough Chik will be donating $26.20 to 3 different relief efforts, I know it isn’t a lot, but every little bit helps.

If you can recommend a charity to donate to, please post it here.  If you have other ideas for other ways to help, please post them here too.  I.e. Pam Q. suggested to donate blood.  “Disaster relief efforts often pull form the existing blood supply nationwide for immediate their most needs, so even if you are not in NYC, your blood and platelet donations are VERY NEEDED for replenishment, if any out there are able.”  and Pam C. mentioned “I just got an email from my credit card company saying I can donate my points to the American Red Cross.”  So even if money is tight, there are other ways to help to.

Thanks to Katye, Jess, Heidi, Gigi, Lisa, Kayla and Pamela for your amazing efforts and making me one proud mama chik!

2 Responses to “Proud Mama Chik”

  1. Gigi November 5, 2012 at 6:37 pm #

    I was excited to be a part of it. I live on Long Island and even though my house still has no power I am able to stay at a friends house with my husband, cats and tarantulas. We may lose more fish but all in all we are very lucky so many have lost so much.


  1. FU SANDY Race 2 Recover | Long Legs on the Loose: One Stride at a Time - November 5, 2012

    […] came along for the ride.  Shannon, AKA Capt. Tough Chik, wrote up this post.  Check is out HERE : […]

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